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Viagra online 3 day delivery in India, now! The online pharmacy with 3 day delivery service and wide range of top pharmaceuticals at affordable rates. Online Pharmacy Now with special offer. Buy prescription medical drugs now and save with 3-day Free delivery, No waiting. Visit our pharmacy. Use Discount Coupon code: SAVE10OFF for 10% off. The United States government, via the IRS, is investigating how much cash the Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints has been hoarding for years — as it recently took out nearly $2 billion in overdue taxes (PDF), according to The New York Times. The IRS sent a notice to the Church last year informing them they had until November 28 to submit any assets they had that were not tied to a church-based charitable organization. The Church buy viagra 200mg online of Latter-day Saints, which the Times reports is Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints, has apparently refused, which is probably what inspired the move by Uncle Sam to come after them first. The Church has apparently been hoarding cash since about the time Brigham Young Jr. and others founded the Church in 1830. They've managed to pay nearly every tax bill they're owed since 1988. And as far back 2007, the Times reports, group managed to bring in nearly $1.7 billion gross earnings that were paid to different entities in countries around the world. That puts Church's total cash on hand for the last decade at a little more than $1.5 billion. But now The Washington Post is reporting that they now have "more than doubled their cash holdings over the past quarter century — and much of that wealth is sitting idle." Of course, just like a lot of big, complicated organizations, it sure seems like the LDS Church is not too fond of its own finances. "The U.S. Treasury Department's inspector general for tax administration said in 2007 the Internal Revenue Service coul